Zara dress; Old Navy jacket (similar on sale from J. Crew); Forever 21 pins; c/o Dansko Lola booties; Ray Ban sunglasses; Urban Outfitters bandana

If we could have changed anything about our trip, it would have been that we would have allotted for more time at each place we visited. We only planned one night in Joshua Tree and as soon as we got there we realized that wasn’t nearly enough. We barely scraped the surface at the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon, although what we did see of each was breathtaking. We could’ve wondered the Arches from sunrise until sunset, and despite the fact we’d allotted for two nights in Zion, the uncooperative weather made it too windy for us to hike all the trails we’d planned and we left early our second morning. I’ve realized from our adventure how much beauty the deserts hold and know we want to plan for another trip back, learning from our first time out that there’s never enough time to see and do everything. I’d love to hear about other must-see spots out west! I might be craving the sand and sun a little extra now that it’s getting so cold here on the East Coast, but at least I can keep wearing layering the jacket and these boots (the arch support and steel shank made them the perfect footwear for long days of exploring) even if I had to retire the crocheted dress for the season.