We’re heading out of town this weekend for our version of spring break so I’ve been attempting to pack, but when cute, warmer weather pieces show up in the mail, I can’t wait for our trip to start wearing them. It’s not the lay-by-the-pool-with-a-piña-colada kind of spring break, though that does sound fabulous, but our version will be really nice too. We’re looking forward to a long weekend in the mountains of Virginia, spending lazy days reading, enjoying quality time with family, and doing minimal work work. It all sounds pretty perfect right about now, and I’ll definitely be packing these super comfortable espadrilles* for low-key exploring.
*Big thanks to Sakroots for introducing me to their Choose Your Karma campaign! I love that their new spring break collection is as charitable as it is cute. The collection features original artwork and supports a variety of nature and music charities.